Powerful Protests Strike France

Piper Nicely

Recently, France has been experiencing one of the most significant mobilizations in its recent history. The French are revolting against the people who they believe are the “elite”. This has caused tens of thousands of people to take to the streets in protest. Nicknamed “Les Gilets Jaunes” (The Yellow Vests), because of the bright yellow safety vests they wear while in action, these people demand wealth redistribution, an increase in salaries, pensions, social security payments, and minimum wage. Some even call for the resignation of French President, Emmanuel Macron.

These protests all began on November 17, 2018 when the people took to the street to protest a 20% increase in the price of gasoline. That, combined with Macron’s recently planned fuel tax hike, had people filling the streets burning effigies and fighting with police officers. Macron announced that the tax had been made to protect the environment and was part of his plan to combat climate change. But the protesters grew even more angry, claiming that Macron was out of touch with those having trouble making ends meet. This caused widespread anti-government feelings as tensions and violence rose. So far, 11 people have died in the protests and thousands have been injured.

The fervor of the protestors had the French government stop its plan for a tax increase on fuel, but the Yellow Vests had already expanded their anger to other facets of the government, making the attempt to pacify the furious protests a fail. 

Protests have now escalated as the ranks of people arguing for lower taxes have been infiltrated by people with pro-Nazi view points. These people have joined the angry frey in an attempt to blend in with the other protestors to get their point across under the radar. This has led to a wave of anti-semitic graffiti and vandalism across Paris. Jewish memorials, images, and graves have been destroyed in recent attacks. Some have even had swastikas painted on them. According to a poll done by the IFOP (whatever that stands for), almost half of the Yellow Vest protesters believe in some sort of Zionist plot to create a Jewish Nation in Israel. They also believe in the “Great Replacement Theory”, in which they believe that immigration in Europe is a plan to get rid of native residents. 

According to Macron, anti-semitism is at its worst in France since World War II. The number of anti-Jewish crimes have increased by 74% in the past year. With tensions rising in France, the French Government has their hands full as they work to stop anti-semitism and protests regarding taxes. 

It is unknown what will happen next in France, but right now it seems as though there is utter chaos. . But for now, France will focus on helping the financial crisis, and bringing an end to anti-semitism. and

Courtesy of Sylvania Community Action Team

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