Study Tools Offered by Southview

By Ali Addington

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Image courtesy of Victoria University

Second semester is officially underway, the quarter is halfway over and that means we are halfway to exams! It is NEVER to early to start studying but for some it’s a struggle. If that’s you, luckily, Southview has some tools that can help you get the help you need to keep your grades where you want them, or in some cases get your grades to where you want them. 

  1.  ICU

Though some teachers require students to go to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) to catch up on missed assignments or to get extra help, it is also something you can go to on your own! Southview is fully staffed with the most qualified teaching experts who will help you in all ways you may need. Whether it’s a missing assignment or extra help, ICU has you covered. 

  1.  Math Lab

When some students hear the word “math,” it feels like a dark cloud takes over. Math can be a really hard subject for some students to understand, and that is ok! Everyone struggles at one point or another, but if you are struggling and get to far behind, math can become a nightmare. Luckily, Southview has nine math lab teachers, and to do the math for you that’s one for every period of the day! No matter what time of day, these math teachers have you covered, whether it’s misunderstanding homework, studying for a test, or anything arithmetic related, the math department can definitely help. Since second semester has officially begun, the math lab is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday which means more opportunity for help!

  1.  Counselor

If you’re not sure what kind of help you may need, the guidance counselors will help send you in the right direction. The worst part of a problem is not knowing who to go to get help and that can be stressful on top of all the other stress highschool brings. So, don’t be afraid to ask your counselor for help if you don’t know where to start.

Southview offers plenty of tools and resources to make any student successful, you just have to take advantage of the army of teachers and staff here to make this the best highschool experience possible! Consider using one of these tools to keep your grades high and your stress low.

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