The Loss of Mr. Peanut

By Piper Nicely

Image result for mr peanut death
Image courtesy of CNN

Recently, the world fell into dark times after the announcement of the loss of an idol. He was a long time influencer, most known for his sophisticated sense of fashion, his iconic quips and of course, his true love for his friends. He was taken from us at 104 years young. I am of course speaking about the one, the only: Mr. Peanut.

My whole life, I have been obsessed with peanut butter so this news legitimately crushed me. As soon as I heard the terrible news, I had to know more. What had caused his untimely demise? What had taken this wonderful nut from us too soon? The answer was grim.

Dear Mr. Peanut was out driving with his friends, actors Matt Walsh and Wesley Snipes, when he swerved to avoid hitting an armadillo that had wandered into the road. The Nutmobile went off a cliff, sending Mr. Peanut and his friends flying. Luckily, they were able to catch a branch on the side of the ravine. 

Unluckily, it couldn’t hold all three of them. 

Then, in an act that can only be explained as pure heroism, Mr. Peanut decided to put his friends lives before his own and let go, plummeting to his death on the rocks below. 

Oh Mr. Peanut, his heart was too big.

Mr. Peanut (born Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe) has been the staple mascot of the food processing company, Planters, since 1916 and has lived a pretty insane life since then! He enlisted in World War II, survived the Great Depression and ran for mayor of Vancouver, all while advertising a delicious and heart healthy snack. In 2010, he gained the ability to talk when actor Robert Downey Jr. began voicing him, then his voice changed once more in 2013 when actor and comedian Bill Hader took over.

Mr. Peanut has been a classic character and staple of marketing for over 100 years, which then begs the question: why would Planters kill off such an icon?

The answer is simple. Marketing.

The sudden and shocking death of a character can draw people to a brand, whether it’s in sadness or anger. Think about Avengers: Endgame and the death of Iron Man. When Tony Stark died and Robert Downey Jr. (the OG Mr. Peanut!) left the Marvel Universe, the world was in despair, yet Endgame became the highest grossing movie of all time because of how much attention it received for this!

Then, much like the loss of Iron Man, the death of beloved Mr. Peanut caused a commotion in the media, receiving 1.5 million views within one day and sending the hashtag #RIPeanut trending worldwide. Other famous characters, like Mr. Clean and the Kool-Aid Man, expressed their grief and offered their condolences to the estate of Mr. Peanut. Planters even has plans to air his funeral during the third quarter of the Superbowl, encouraging fans to come together to celebrate all his nutty adventures.

The fact that Mr. Peanut’s death was nothing but a marketing ploy is a sad truth. However, it was successful with millions of eyes turning towards Planters. That added attention is exactly what the company needed to raise their revenue, even if the cost was bittersweet.

In the end, it is important that we carry on and celebrate the life and achievements of everyone’s favorite legume. Mr. Peanut was an icon that we will surely never forget. 

So all I can say is, good night sweet peanut.

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