How to Protect Against Coronavirus

By Taylor Legall

Image result for coronavirus mask
Courtesy of France24

The Coronavirus has single-handedly become the most reported topic of news in the world in the past few weeks. At least, that’s what it feels like. And these reports are enough to get the hypochondriac in all of us feeling a little bit anxious. The numbers are scary. No one can dispute that. But instead of the negatives, let’s look at what we can do to protect ourselves. Even if the disease is miles away, it never hurts to be too careful. So, below, I have searched the Web for some tips, tricks, and serious precautions we should all begin to take as the virus gets deadlier and more widespread. 

  1. I’ll be honest, most of the advice I found was pretty generic, but we will start with those anyway. Number 1 is to wash your hands. I’m talking after you use the bathroom, before you eat, and after you come home from work or school. We touch a lot of gross stuff in a day and we don’t know where half of that stuff may have been. Even for basic hygiene and peace of mind, please, wash your hands.
  2. The next one goes hand in hand with the first. Do not touch your face, especially your mouth. We’ve already established that our hands are nasty; and to build on that, touching our faces just spreads that bacteria to entrances to our body. So let’s all keep that gross stuff outside of us and not put our hands on or around our faces as much as possible.
  3. This suggestion is a little more specific. The World Health Organization advises us, if we happen to attend a live market in areas with confirmed outbreaks of the virus, do not make direct contact with live animals. I’ll give all of you in Ohio some good news. Coronavirus is not in this state. The two suspected cases at Miami University tested negative, so we are safe for now. Still pay attention to the rest of the tips though… just in case.
  4. The WHO also suggests refraining (or at the very least, exercising caution) when eating raw or undercooked animal products. So I recommended putting a pause on sushi and milk for a minute. And if not, at least be cautious. Better safe than sorry.
  5. Be aware of where you are traveling. The virus is becoming global, so do your research and find out if the virus is present where you intend to go. 
  6. The last one is to not panic. The Internet is in a frenzy right now, but try not to become part of the hysteria. Instead, take a breath, and do your homework. Make sure you are educated and prepared for whatever ends up happening. 

Stay safe you guys!

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