In a World Without Sports: How to Continue to Love Sports in the Midst of a Pandemic

Courtesy of Associated Press

By Cameron Young

What a weird world we are living in. A pandemic has taken over the world and changed all of our lives. It is in this strange age that I have realized how important sports are to both myself, and all of the world. All of my life, the adult figures in my life have always told me that sports are “just silly games” and that they don’t mean that much in the grand scheme of things. But for some odd reason, for me, this is simply not the case. I realized that sports are much more than a hobby for me, they are a lifestyle. Sports shape my character, how I act as a person, how I treat my peers, how I approach life. They are what I look forward to, they are what bring my friends together, they are what brings me the most joy. This has been a very humbling experience in terms of sports for myself and the rest of the world. The true power of sports has been shown by how the sports world prevails. Even though all of our normal games have been taken away this spring, we have been able to keep the competitiveness going in the confinement of our own homes.

Thank goodness for the internet. Through social media and the brilliant minds of young people have sprouted the many ideas of games we can compete at in our own home. If you have any questions about what kind of sports you can play, open your computer! New games won’t be that hard to find. From kitchen ping pong to trash can basketball, there are plenty of ideas to play games in your own home. Either way, there are many ideas that anybody can play in their own home.

Kitchen Ping Pong is a great way to pass the time, and it is a simple set up too. All you need is a kitchen table, boxes of some kind, whether they be unused food boxes or used cereal boxes, two pans, and some kind of ball that would be safe and able to bounce. With this easy set up, you and a sibling or a parent would be able to pass the time for hours of a day with this fun activity.

Another sport that people are taking advantage of all over the internet is trash can basketball. The supplies for this one are even simpler than kitchen ping pong. All you need is an empty trash can, and old (not current of course) school papers to crumple up into hand held basketballs for yourself. Many people are playing games within their house with this like horse or shooting competitions out of ten shots to keep themselves occupied. Hopefully this option would help in relieving the agony of missing March Madness.

I would like a moment to thank the entire sports world for being so strong and helpful to all the fans missing out on their spring sports. Television networks such as ESPN have displayed past sports on their network to normal viewers and have even introduced the UFC to fans for free when they would usually need to pay for the event. The one thing from a person whose passion is sports that has come from this pandemic is that there is no force of nature that can destroy the importance of competition to humanity.

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