Small But Definite Happiness

By Piper Nicely

Courtesy of BBC

Right now, it seems like everyone’s outlook on life seems pretty grim. From being stuck in our houses to worrying about our family members to receiving constant troubling information in the news, we are being faced with a lot. It can be easy to feel stressed, depressed and overall really unhappy. However, I have taken this extended period of free time to dive into researching a new way of life and a new mindset to hold during these troubled times: small but definite happiness.

Small but definite happiness (or “sohwakhaeng”) is a Korean trend that was first introduced by Japanese author Haruki Murakami in his philosophical essay “Afternoon in the Islets of Langerhans”. He emphasized finding happiness in the little things in life like cooking, cleaning or other daily habits. It serves to show how we can romanticize little things to find happiness, without seeking material wealth or external validation. 

The idea of this type of simple happiness has been seen in other ways before like the Danish “hygge” or Swedish “Lagom” which emphasize coziness, to even the very American “YOLO”. YOLO, however, is a much more outgoing way of finding happiness with people usually posting pictures travelling or partaking in exciting activities. It is very much a “live in the moment” mindset while small but definite happiness is a “make every moment count” mindset. You adjust your mindset to enjoy daily moments you experience every day.

Before the shut downs began, I was very intrigued by this idea and spent a good amount of my time watching Youtube videos about this lifestyle. The videos all contained homes with minimalist decor, careful laundry folding and a good amount of ASMR cooking. They were so peaceful and cheerful that I decided I wanted to try this lifestyle for myself. 

Upon learning that I would be spending the next three weeks in my home, I decided that there is no time like the present!

Small but definite happiness is definitely a way to keep calm in an otherwise chaotic world. I have found myself slowing down and not allowing myself to get caught up in all the news and mass panic. I have found little moments in my day that bring me joy and allow me to reflect on my life and my emotions. Since I like having my room clean and organized, I have started taking time every night before I go to bed to tidy, fold laundry and overall just cleaning up. I have also taken the time to notice little things in life that make me happy, like baking, organizing and spending time with my family.

Small but definite happiness is a way to bring calmness and security into your life. During this difficult time, focusing on finding joy in the little things can really help to ease our current anxiety. So take this time and focus on the little moments in your life. Whether you enjoy cleaning and cooking like me or look forward to working out or watching your favorite Netflix series. Joy can be found in everything, even the little things, so while we’re all stuck at home, find a way to romanticize every day activities.

Let’s all find a way to be happy.

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