Reading: Benefits Beyond Curing Boredom

By Sydney Hirsch

With the recent and notorious quarantine almost everyone finds themselves at a loss for something to do. We spend a few hours each day doing work or school but are lacking homework and sports to keep us busy afterwards. And, with the even more recent home-lockdown we can no longer sit in restaurants, see movies, and many of us can’t even see our friends. Some keep themselves busy through their televisions or phone, binging movies and scrolling through endless hours of Tik Tok and Instagram. Others picked up new skills like baking or playing an instrument. I suggest a beneficial and neglected hobby, reading a book.

In a time so stressful and strange, losing yourself in an interesting story is a good way to relieve anxiety. Focusing on a distant plot and characters can help distance you from your life for a while, giving you a healthy break. It’s found to decrease blood pressure and lower heart rate. And you can find a story to match anyone’s interests. Whether you like fantasy, science fiction, horror, crime, ect. There are a plethora of books available to distract you. 

Reading also works your brain. Like any muscle, your brain needs exercise, and reading regularly can help prevent Alzhimers and dementia. It is proven to increase memory, empathy, and concentration. And of course, reading strengthens your vocabulary. A group of researchers at Emory University proved that reading for even a half an hour a day greatly strengthens language perception. And lastly, reading before bed lowers the stimulus you get from bright lights and phone screens, making you fall asleep faster.

The amazing thing about books is that they are very available. Most people can make a quick stop at the library or bookstore. If not, there are thousands of ebooks to purchase online, or simply find the pdf for. And, if worse comes to worse, I’m sure most people can find a book in their basement or in the basement of someone close to them. In the end, we’re all just trying our best to struggle through this strange time. I hope my research helped a bit if you’re looking for something different to do!

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