Study Tips for Remote Learning

Ali Addington- Opinion/ Lifestyle Editor

The hybrid system has certainly been a learning curve and some are still adjusting. Unfortunately, the plan is here to stay for at least the rest of the semester. It can be difficult to get things done when you are at home, and all you want to do is sleep and do anything but homework. If this sounds like you, here’s some tips to help you make the most of your at home days.

Wake up at a certain time every day: No, that does not mean everyday at 11:00AM! Set a plan to wake up every morning at 8 or 9 at the latest. Even if your Google Meets are not until later in the day, it is a good idea to get going so you do not waste the day! 

Set a schedule (and stick to it!!): For some, a difficult part of remote learning is the lack of routine. Luckily, this is something that you can easily fix yourself! Make sure to have your set time to get up and block off time to get ready for the day. Then, set aside time for each of your classes, even if you do not have any work in them it is a good time to check for upcoming assignments and stay organized. If you make a schedule, great! But, it will only be effective if you stick to it consistently.

Make the most of your time in person: Online learning can be especially tough if you are not sure what is happening in class. It is important to be attentive and ask all the questions that you have in person so your off days will be a breeze. It can be helpful to look ahead at homework that will be assigned for off days and ask questions about it before you even need to do it. This will help you avoid rushing at the last minute. Do not use Friday as an off day: Even though Friday feels like a part of the weekend now, it is important to use the day to stick to your remote schedule and get work done! Getting work done on Fridays will leave less work for your other remote days and allow you to go into the weekend feeling accomplished.

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