The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Full Review

Xander Gallup- Staff Writer

The day of writing this, the final episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has come out. As I wrote in my review of the first episode, the four plot points connected around the end of the show, and without spoiling anything major, here is what I thought of this miniseries.

Off the bat, the Flag Smashers were a lot less evil than I had previously anticipated. Mind you, they did commit some pretty serious crimes and killed several innocent people, but Marvel was able to make a psychotic villain with a good intention in mind, and get you to connect with them as well. Karli Morgenthau, AKA the main villain behind the series, is a great example of having a crazy villain that you can relate to, which in my opinion is the best type of villain. The final fight of the series was great, and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end the show.

I personally loved the story arc with John Walker as Captain America. In the second episode, he seems so friendly and loyal to his country and just wants to help the Avengers in any way he can. But by the end of that very same episode, he shows just how terrifying he can be by threatening Bucky and Sam. He was the greatest minor villain in all of Marvel in my opinion, and I hope we’ll get to see him in another Marvel movie.

And let’s not forget about the two forerunners of the show, Bucky and Sam themselves. They were the great comedic duo we needed to give the series a perfect blend of comedy and seriousness. The show didn’t even go to the lengths of having Bucky believe that he should have become Captain America, because if they did it would have been predictable.

There are some minor criticisms for the show. By the way, spoilers in this paragraph. For instance, it doesn’t make entirely sense for Sharon to have gone with Bucky, Sam, and Zemo to the lab of the guy who recreated the super soldier serum if she was the Power Broker. It should have been obvious that they were either going to arrest him or kill him, so why did she not put extra security measures in place if she was the one trying to get this guy to work for her? It didn’t seem like it made sense for me at least. Another little thing was how the American government took Walker’s title as Captain America away even though he did something that they technically wanted him to do, which was kill one of the Flag Smashers. I get it, his public image has been ruined because he killed a terrorist in front of hundreds of people and now he looks like a maniac. But would the American government care enough to strip their strongest soldier of his title as their symbol just because he killed someone they wanted dead? It didn’t really seem realistic, and it would have also been cool to see the government not take away his title but Sam and Bucky had to intervene to make sure he was stripped of his title.

All in all, I loved this series. It’s not often that you get a six episode series that is amazing and entertaining to watch. I had lots of fun watching it, and I hope you readers take the time out of your day to watch it too.

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