Christmas Around the Globe

By Jamie Wu

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Image courtesy of The Payoneer Blog

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is just around the corner- for most of us, this means putting up and decorating the tree, shopping for presents, making gingerbread houses, and so much more! These are just a few of the traditions many Americans participate in during this time of the year, but what about the countries outside of the US?

More than 160 countries around the world also celebrate Christmas, differently from us. Some refer to Christmas by another name, while most have a completely different set of traditions. Poland is one of the many countries that celebrate this big holiday. Christmas Eve is usually also seen as New Years’. The Polish celebrate by breaking a special Christmas Wafer, known as opletek. This annual tradition is followed by dinner with numerous dishes, consisting of popular foods like perogies, a variety of soups, and other entrees. They too also put up a tree decorated with traditional ornaments, but also Polish chocolate, spiced apples, or oranges. 

In the Philippines, the Christmas season starts all the way back in September, and ends near the beginning of January, making it one of the longest holiday seasons. Throughout these months, plays, parties, and music fill the country with spirit. During the nine days leading up to Christmas, people attend night Mass, believing that their attendance will grant them one wish for the new year. Finally, on Christmas Eve, Filipinos indulge in local flavors such as lumpia and paella. In San Fernando, the infamous Giant Lantern Festival is held early on Christmas Eve. 

In New Zealand, located in the southern hemisphere, residents celebrate Christmas in the summer. Many spend their holiday camping at beaches. Many towns hold parades (the most popular being the Auckland Santa Parade) with floats, festive marching bands, and Santa, who wears sandals and a jersey sometimes as opposed to his typical red suit. Children find joy in leaving out carrots for the reindeer and pineapple chunks in contrast to our cookies. The night before Christmas, Midnight Mass is held at churches and cathedrals, and extremely popular event in New Zealand.  

Countries around the world celebrate Christmas differently than us. Whether we attend parades, indulge in great food, or watch festive movies, the holidays are times to spend with our family and friends. What unique traditions do you celebrate during the holidays?

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